Paltering: The Dark Art of Deception

What an appropriate Shakespearean quote to start this post on a little known form of misinformation. I found this graphic on the web at Wise Famous Quotes, in its poorly punctuated form, on a page featuring images by German photographer Norman Blume. It is undoubtedly a famous saying, a wise adage for the ages however, …

Misinformation: The Reckoning

These young people are inspiring and their concerns are a call to action. It’s a noble goal: ridding the world of misinformation. Unfortunately, that mission poses a few problems. There’s some “misinformation” that we love. Also, who gets to decide what is called misinformation? There’s a free speech argument that all content should be part of …

We The Peoples

That title isn’t a typo or a slangy take on the opening line of the US Constitution. It is from the Preamble of The United Nations Charter. Misinformation is a global problem; we need a set of global solutions. That is why the United Nations should bear the ultimate responsibility for reducing misinformation and serve as the …

Trust, but Verify

Yes, the title of this blog post is a phrase commonly associated with President Ronald Reagan as he pursued disarmament and normalized relations with the Soviet Union. (Apologies to all the lefties who are roiling as I invoke “the Gipper.”) However, I believe that this saying applies to the media landscape today.  Trust vanquishes cynicism …

Dishing on Diamonds

As Valentine’s Day approaches, thoughts (and advertising) turn to all things romantic. Flowers, candies, candlelight dinners, weekend getaways, and of course, the most significant love symbol of all, diamonds. That’s why I wasn’t all that surprised when this video popped up on my Facebook feed. Subsequently, I ended up stumbling into a case study of …

Digital Platforms vs. Misinformation

Combatting misinformation needs to be job one for digital platforms. Some are making progress. Others are lagging behind the technological innovations that facilitate the spread of misinformation. I selected these two digital platforms to pursue two different lines of inquiry. I wanted to learn about a company I was less familiar with to avoid bringing …

The Misinformation Chronicles

Misinformation is not a game! That’s my response to CNN for their breezy coverage of this critical issue. In the article, Researchers have created a ‘vaccine’ for fake news. It’s a game Jon Roozenbeek and Sander van der Linden described the development of a computer game that has users creating fake news, and they published a study …

Skeptical, Yet Susceptible

For as long as I can remember, my fiscally conservative stepfather has railed against “those crooks in Washington.” As a longtime CPA, he knows his way around the tax laws in the US. As a longtime Republican, he thinks taxes are too high and lazy people get free money. I often overheard him commiserating with …

My Media Diet – (With a Generous Helping of Misinformation)

Tuesday January 11, 2022 7 am: As I silenced the alarm, I saw I had one notification on Facebook. It was a message from the Marketplace for Nike sneakers that the algorithm thought “I might like.” I didn’t. I felt like Charlie Brown: I didn’t get a cheerful good morning from an old friend, or …

Something Wiki This Way Comes!

I have to admit; I took Wikipedia for granted. Though I’m not digitally native, I’ve always considered myself tech-savvy. I have a real knack for locating, sourcing, and accessing content on the internet in just a few clicks and keystrokes. However, editing the source list on The Township Journal entry for the Wikipedia News on Wiki campaign has turned …
