The Clapback for Climate Claptrap

(I will explain this title later in the post, I promise!) Just hours after the UN Climate Conference delegates agreed to the finalized version of the Glasgow Climate Pact, many scientists and activists expressed concern that the text might not go far enough to address the crisis adequately. Before most representatives had returned to their …

Podcast: The Attainable Sustainable

Episode 2: The Young Will Save Us All – (Even Climate Skeptics!) The results from COP26 are in: the consensus captured in this headline from the Sydney Morning Herald: Glasgow ends in compromise, disappointment and a little hope. Those terms have plagued the UN Climate Change Conferences since they began 30 years ago, and some would …

We Are Sustainable Media

These are some of the week’s headlines in the Fall of 2021: France 24: World leaders open COP26 climate talks with somber warnings: “We are digging our own graves” The Guardian: Cop26: polling data is overwhelming – people want leaders to act AP: Oil giants deny spreading disinformation on climate change. The first two headlines …

Great Falls: Great Responsibility…

Two weeks ago, I picked up some friends at John F. Kennedy Airport in Queens, NY. They had flown in from their oceanfront home in Mazatlán, Mexico, and were our houseguests for a week. It was the couple’s first visit to the Big Apple, so they had a full itinerary of day trips and sightseeing …

Media Maker for The Masses

The first business card I ever made for myself had the phrase you see above listed as my job title. Today it only exists on my Twitter profile. As pretentious as it may sound, it encapsulates how I view my role as a media creator. Basically, it comes down to two words. Accessibility and Responsibility. …

Digital Security: Life on the High Wire

Years ago, my mindset about all things online automatically defaulted to trust. After all, all these websites were “serious businesses” with professional standards. All my financial transactions appeared to be labeled as “secure.” Surely they will guard my personal information as if it were their own. It’s not like they would sell it to the …

Control: What’s Past is Prologue

Ever since Al Gore invented the internet (spoiler alert – he didn’t), there have been concerns about “bad actors” spreading misinformation and disinformation online: digital contaminants befouling a nascent “cybertopia.” I remember firing up Compuserve on my 512K Mac and dial-up modem and feeling a sense of limitless possibilities, but also wondering what could stop …

UNGA & Climate Change

The end of September brings world leaders to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Though the leaders speak out on many issues during the annual gathering, I focused on the media coverage of the UNGA concerning Climate Change. Al Jazeera: Verge of the abyss’: Climate change to dominate UNGA talks In this …

Breaking the Chain

Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty.  -Tacitus, Roman Historian (56-120 CE) With the increasing numbers of people online and the quantity of original and shared content growing exponentially, one could argue that this is a golden age of communication. However, false and misleading information on the internet has effectively …
